Our company has many years of experience with moving machines. Machines are moved not only in the Czech Republic but also abroad. For example, for Bosch Diesel Ltd. Jihlava, we provided complete moving process of factory from Stuttgart to Jihlava. For this factory in Germany, where there are about six thousand employees, we moved about 200 pieces of 40 tons machines. The actual transfer of machines lasted 1.5 year. The year after this moving project, new machines were transported into new production plant in Jihlava.
Moving machines for foreign clients
Vagnerplast at. s.r.o. company is among other foreign clients benefitting from our moving machinery services. For this company, we have implemented transport of machinery from Italy and Belgium to the factory in Kladno in the Czech Republic.
We carried out moving of technology for production of ammunition for the company Sellier & Bellot, Inc. - concretely presses for patrons. It was particularly moving a factory equipment and machinery from factories in Austria and France.
We will move any machine with a maximum weight up to 300 tons anywhere in Europe, from Ireland to Turkey. For moving machines we use heavy cranes, lorries, trailers and other equipment. What other moving companies fail to transport, we do as regular service.